The audio in this clip has been extracted from BBC Arabic Newscast streamed on April 10 2021, and is intended for educational purpose and fair use.
الصحة العالميه تكشف “خللا صادما” في توزيع اللقاحات بين الدول الغنية والفقيرة
Global health reveals a “shocking imbalance” in the distribution of vaccines between rich and poor countries.
مستمعين أهلا بكم في نشرة أخبار كورونا من بي بي سي و فيها أيضا
Listeners, welcome to the BBC’s Corona newscast in which (there is) also:
السلطات الصحية في العراق تحذر من أن تفاشي وباء كورونا تجاوز قدرة مؤسسة الطبية هناك
The health authorities in Iraq warn that the Corona outbreak has exceeded the capacity of the medical institution there (In Iraq).
انتقدت منظمة الصحة العالمية ما قالت إنه “خلل صادم” في توزيع لقاحات فيروس كورونا بين الدول الغنية والفقيرة
The World Health Organization criticized what it said was a “shocking defect” in the distribution of Coronavirus vaccines between rich and poor countries.
ومع هذا رئيس منظمة ، تيدروس أدهانوم أكد في مؤتمر صحفي بجنيف ، على التمسك بالهدف الرئيسي لبدء تنفيذ برامج التطعيم في كل دول العالم فور
Also, the head of the organization, Tedros Adhanom, affirmed in a press conference in Geneva to adhere to the main goal of starting the implementation of vaccination programs in all countries of the world immediately.
و كررت منظمة الصحة العالمية دعواتها السابقة بضرورة توزيع أكثر عدالة للقاحات كوفيد-19
The World Health Organization has reiterated its previous calls for a more equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.
ولتحقيق هذا الهدف أطلقت المنظمة مخطط كوفاكس، المصمم لإيصال اللقاحات إلى الدول الفقيرة، غير القادرة على شراء اللقاحات أو توفيرها بطرق أخرى
To achieve this goal, the organization launched the COVAX scheme, which is designed to deliver vaccines to poor countries, unable to purchase vaccines or provide them in other ways.
ويسعى البرنامج لتوفير أكثر من ملياري جرعة لقاح للسكان في 190 دولة في أقل من عام
The program aims to provide more than 2 billion vaccine doses to the population in 190 countries in less than a year.
لا يزال هناك خلل مروع في التوزيع العالمي للقاحات في البلدان ذات الدخل المرتفع
There remains a shocking imbalance in the global distribution of vaccines in high-income countries.
فقد تلقى واحد من كل أربعة أشخاص لقاح كوفيد 19 في المتوسط
On average, one in four people received the Covid-19 vaccine.
أما في البلدان منخفضة الدخل فقد تلقى واحد من بين أكثر من 500 شخص هذا اللقاح
Whereas, in low-income countries, one in more than 500 people has received this vaccine.
نأمل أن نتمكن من تدارك الموقف خلال شهري أبريل/نيسان ومايو/آيار
We hope to be able to remedy the situation in April and.
كذلك تخطط بعض الدول والشركات لتقديم تبرعاتها الثنائية للقاحات، متجاوزة عالية كوفاكس لأسباب سياسية أو تجارية خاصة بها
Some countries and companies are also planning to make bilateral donations of vaccines, bypassing Covax for political or commercial reasons of their own.
وهذه ترتيبات ثنائية تنطوي على خطر تأجيج عدم المساوة في توزيع اللقاحات
These bilateral arrangements run the risk of fueling unequal distribution of vaccines.
Linguistic Insights
- “Shocking Imbalance”: “Shocking” is used in a figurative sense here. This can be translated into Arabic verbatim (Saadim) yet the figurative meaning is preserved. Note that Saadim / Sadmah is also used in other languages, such as Urdu. However, in Urdu we will not use Sadmah to describe something like an imbalance or a defect.
- “Al-Tamassuk”: The root letters for this word are Meem, Seen, Kaaf and usually have the connotation of holding, or grasping in the non-physical sense. Words derived from this root are commonly used in the Quran. Muslims commonly know it as holding on to and adhering to what Allah has revealed (though its usage is broader than this):
وَالَّذِينَ يُمَسِّكُونَ بِالْكِتَابِ
Those who hold fast to the book [7:170]
فَقَدِ اسْتَمْسَكَ بِالْعُرْوَةِ الْوُثْقَىٰ
And grasped the most trust-worthy handhold [2:256]
We also commonly use the phrase Tamassuk bi Ahlil Bayt
- “Karrarat”: This comes from the root letters Kaaf, Raa, Raa which refers to repetition. Here it has been used as reiterating something.
In Urdu we say “Bahas o Takraar” where Takraar means saying the same thing repeatedly. We also see in Hadith Al- Rayah (The narration of the flag) when the holy prophet gave Ali ibn Abi Taalib the title of Karrar ghayr Farrar. Here karrar refers to someone who advances or attacks repeatedly in a battlefield.
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