My Story

I have been a student of Classical and Modern Standard Arabic for over 7 years. I have primarily taught myself Arabic from various sources including books, websites, self paced language learning programs, and research into classical texts such as the Holy Quran, and narrations from the holy prophet. During my studies, I noticed a massive improvement in my Arabic language skills for the first couple of years of learning, after which the improvement tapered off. Further development required significantly more time, effort, practice. In order to make further inroads I need to develop an efficient method of language learning.

Recently, I have taken up the task of transcribing short (2 minutes) MSA audio or video clips, translating the content into English and creating a video file to combine the information in one place. I also enjoy drawing upon my knowledge of other languages (Urdu and Punjabi) and a general love and appreciation of linguistics to come up with unique linguistic insights. I have noticed that this is one of the most efficient ways to take my Arabic skills to the next level. For this reason I am keen on sharing my work with the world, so Arabic learners like me may also benefit from it.